"Mommy, when I turn 4 years old are you still gonna lift me up?"

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2020

“Mommy, when I turn 4 years old are you still gonna lift me up?”

My daughter asked me that question the other morning.

It sent a wave of emotions through me.

I don't have any memories of my mom picking me up. She has scoliosis too.

I never wanted to have to say “no, Mommy can’t” to my own daughter because of my back.

Which is why it’s so important to me to prioritize caring for it on a daily basis.

💖 I love picking her up for a giant bear hug when she comes home at the end of the day.

💖 I love being able to scoop her up to comfort her when she falls down and gets a boo boo.

💖 And I love feeling confident that I could remove her if she were ever in an unsafe situation.

I’ve been told by others that I “should be careful” or that she’s “too big for you to keep lifting up”.

But they don’t know how hard I work to keep my back healthy and strong.

And as long as my back is healthy and strong, I will lift her up if she wants me to.

Today is her 4th birthday. Another milestone for both of us.

Happy Birthday to my baby girl. And, yes, I will still lift you up when you are 4. 😘


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