Live Free From Chronic Back Pain

Be the active, fun-loving mom your family deserves

Book a FREE call

Imagine being able to stop the pain before it starts...

Move with Ease

Reducing pain will allow you to breeze through your "To Do" list and have time to kick your feet up on the couch (and not while on a heating pad!).

Be Active with Your Family

Have the energy and ability to be front and center in all your family memories.  No more sitting on the sidelines because of a flare up!

Confidently with Your Condition

Save time and money on treatments by allowing them to be more effective now and into the future.

Most moms with chronic back conditions are frustrated that ordinary things like picking up their children cause unbearable pain.Ā 

I provide support with my three-part holistic method to improve chronic back pain so that they can live a normal, active life with their family.Ā  Together, we'll address the root cause of your painĀ in a practical way to fit your busy-mom lifestyle saving youĀ time and money on unnecessary interventions.

Hi! I'm Amanda

I understand the challenges that come with having a chronic back condition. 

My mother's struggles with scoliosis and life-altering surgery was my motivation to be able to successfully manage my own diagnosis for years.

But I was living my worst nightmare when I became a mom myself.  The pain was so intense I couldn't bend over my daughter's crib to pick her up when she was barely six months old.

I used my 15 years experience in the health and wellness industry to get myself back on track with my dream of being the active mom my daughter deserves.

Ready to break up with your heating pad?

Schedule a free Back Pain Breakthrough coaching session

Discover how you can take care of your back so it takes care of you

Book a FREE call

Get a pain-relief plan to be active now and into the future

Relax & Relieve Meditation Collection

A powerful meditation collection that will calm chronic back pain in as little as 10 minutes a day - just $27!


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Two Step

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